QUESTIONNAIRE: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Roma, Sinti and Traveller communities
Throughout Europe, most governments have not designed or implemented specific measures to address the vulnerability of Roma, Sinti and Travellers during the coronavirus pandemic. Roma, Sinti and Travellers are amongst the most affected and impacted by Covid-19, mainly due to devastating living conditions, exclusion, and widespread antigypsyism.
ERGO Network is conducting a study which aims to look into the impact of Covid-19 on Roma communities in Europe, by illustrating the situation of Roma, Sinti and Travellers in their access to basic services and humanitarian aid, education, employment, health care, housing, and social protection, as well as how they are affected by discrimination and racism. It will also look into the situation of those forced to migrate internally or to another European country for economic reasons. The questionnaire was inspired by the study conducted by the Fundatión Secretariado Gitano in Spain.
The results of the study will be used by the ERGO Network Secretariat and its members to engage in advocacy with policy makers at EU and national levels regarding the integration of Roma and Travellers specific measures within the EU Recovery Plan and European funding instruments for temporary support and the Emergency Fund for Vulnerable Group Rights and Value Programme, the European Semester, the New Green Deal etc. Equally, study recommendations should be reflected in the post 2020 EU Roma Framework Strategy and National Roma Integration Strategies.
We are asking you to take 20 minutes and fill in the questionnaire and let us know about your experience in education, employment, poverty, healthcare, housing, migration and discrimination under Covid-19. We want to hear your story and the positive or negative actions undertaken by the national authorities or organizations in order to respond to realities on the ground.