Call for a research consultant

ERGO Network is seeking a consultant to contribute to research and activities related to the RIPE (Roma Inclusion, Participation & Equality) Index & Map. The consultancy will span six months and require comprehensive study and coordination across multiple thematic areas, covering several European countries. The work will integrate data from both desk research and grassroots-level surveys.

Find the full call for applications here.


The RIPE (Roma Inclusion, Participation & Equality) Index & Map is a vital tool currently being developed by the ERGO Network to tackle the pervasive discrimination against the Roma community within various European States. RIPE offers a unified framework to assess and compare the conditions of Roma populations across diverse political, social, and economic contexts.

Inspired by established human rights mechanisms, the RIPE Index & Map will systematically assess a wide array of rights and social indices, ensuring comprehensive coverage from human rights to socio-economic conditions. RIPE leverages empirical data to advocate for policies that prevent discrimination and promote Roma inclusion, equality, and participation and at the same time invests on Roma grassroots levels.

Key Tasks

  • Implementing an Action Plan & Timeline: Conduct research and contribute to the compilation of an analysis report based on the methodology developed by ERGO Network.
  • Overseeing National Data Collection: Oversee Roma civil society representatives functioning as National Focal Points for data collection.
  • Conducting Surveys: Provide data on the implementation of standards related to antigypsyism and discrimination.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Conduct desk research and synthesize findings with input from national focal points.
  • Compilation of a Report: Compile monitoring results into a comprehensive report.

Timeframe and budget

  • Duration: August 5, 2024 – January 31, 2025
  • Budget: Up to € 8,000 (including VAT)

Application requirements

  • Detailed CV demonstrating clearly that the tenderer has relevant experience.
  • Sample of previous relevant work.
  • Price offer for the total duration of the consultancy services.

Consultant profile

  • Proven experience in research and methodology development.
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills.
  • Knowledge of relevant Human Rights standards for this call and awareness of Romani civil society.
  • Fluency in English (speaking and writing) is essential.

How to apply

Send your application to  by July 29, 2024, 23:59 CET. For further questions and more information on the methodology and deliverables, contact Georgios Tsiakalos at

Call for a research consultant – ERGO Network