Transitional justice online webinar 

Transitional justice online webinar: 
Fighting antigypsyism through addressing transitional justice processes

🗓️Date: 3 July 2024

🕒 Time: 16h30-18h30 CET

🌐 Location: Online

Watch this event LIVE here!

The Roma have suffered atrocious injustices throughout time, where perpetrators have acted with impunity and were unpunished by state authorities and little awareness by the general public. Atrocities include the Holocaust, dictatorial regimes, forced sterilisations, forced evictions, policies aimed at cultural elimination, segregation in education and housing, inhuman conditions and overall exclusion from societies where they live.

In today’s Europe, despite developments in human rights legal frameworks, many Roma across Europe are still faced with the consequences of the past. Specifically, ongoing antigypsyism and serious human rights abuses. These past injustices have not been adequately addressed and corrected.

Thus, Transitional justice processes are needed. These processes can respond to systemic human rights violations through judicial redress, political reforms, and other measures to prevent the recurrence of human rights abuses, provide redress to victims, and create opportunities for the transformation of the political systems, conflicts, and other conditions that may have been at the root of the abuses.

In this webinar, we would like to further discuss the current political and social context in Europe after the June European elections, as well as ongoing or upcoming challenges that would either facilitate or block ongoing discussions about setting up transitional processes for Roma in Europe and answer some of the crucial questions about whether, when, and how to embark on a path toward a peaceful, just, and inclusive future for Roma in Europe through a transitional justice path. The webinar will also discuss the specific cases of Germany, Romania, and Spain in more detail.

We’re looking forward to counting you among the online participants!

ERGO Network has recently also launched Jekhipe project which addresses some of the key structural and institutional obstacles in achieving justice and equality for Roma in practice by tackling the lack of acknowledgement of Roma as victims of historical injustices such as slavery or the Holocaust and the set-up or adequate compensations and reconciliation processes; or the lack of access to services and rights; the lack of Roma museums and institutional representation of Roma in arts and culture; the lack of Roma history teaching etc.

For more information about ERGO Network’s work on transitional justice, please contact Jekhipe Project Coordinator Marko Pecak.

This webinar has received financial support from the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Romani Week 2024 Announcement

Romani Week 2024: Shaping the Future for Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe

As Europe grapples with a complex socio-political landscape characterised by both anti-racism movements and the resurgence of far-right ideologies, the need for inclusive discussions about marginalized communities becomes increasingly vital. In this context, the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers face numerous challenges related to equality, inclusion, and participation. The rise of xenophobic and nationalist sentiments at both national and EU levels poses a threat to their well-being and integration into society.

The Challenge

Despite efforts on paper, the struggle for effective inclusion of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers persists due to a disconnect between policies on Roma inclusion and mainstream initiatives. The political will to combat antigypsyism and social exclusion often falls short, with National Roma Strategic Frameworks remaining under implementation. As the political climate in Europe evolves, the urgency to address these challenges becomes even more apparent.

What is Romani Week?

Romani Week, an annual event held in Brussels serves as a platform to raise awareness about the realities faced by Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe. It brings together civil society organizations, European institutions, and international entities during the Roma International Day. This year, the event is more pertinent than ever, coinciding with the upcoming European elections.

Objectives of Romani Week 2024

Romani Week 2024 aims to dissect the position of the Roma agenda within the broader European political discourse and priorities. The focus is to foster dialogue about the pressing issues affecting the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers communities and ensure their prominence in mainstream political discussions and EU policy priorities.

The primary objectives include:

  1. Platform for Discourse: Provide a platform for representatives and stakeholders of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers to engage in conversations about the contemporary political, economic, and human rights landscape in Europe.
  2. Political Accountability: Encourage stronger accountability and political will from governments, both within the EU and Enlargement countries, to deliver on the promises of equality, inclusion, and participation for Roma, Sinti, and Travellers.
  3. Concrete Topics: Address specific issues such as increased antigypsyism, structural discrimination, the implementation and monitoring of National Roma Strategic Frameworks, and discussions about Roma history, truth, and reconciliation processes.

Overview of the events

Please note that you have to register for each event separately using the special form. If you would like to see the draft agenda, check the regularly updated website of the Romani Week 2024 here.

Future of Roma, Sinti and Travellers in Europe

The event will discuss the ongoing political, economic and human rights changes Europe faces today and ways to ensure that Roma, Sinti and Travellers become a more prominent priority within the mainstream political discourse and policy priorities at the EU level to ensure a stronger accountability and political will by governments, both in the EU and Enlargement countries, to deliver on the equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, Sinti and Travellers.

The event will also discuss the future of Roma, Sinti and Travellers after the European elections, the change in EU leadership and the possible increase of far rights groups in the EU’s political spectrum.

Registration HERE

Most Roma Friendy Mayor Award

The ceremony will award positive examples of Roma integration by local authorities In the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Registration HERE

80 Years of the Roma Holocaust. Lessons to prevent future acts of genocide

More information on this event is coming soon

Registration HERE

Transitional justice to tackle antigypsyism, reclaim our past and rebuild our future

The Jekhipe project launch event focuses on establishing transitional justice processes, including expert commissions, at the EU and national levels to address antigypsyism. The project aims to provide policy recommendations, raise awareness about institutional antigypsyism, promote Roma identity and culture in education, and empower Roma communities and NGOs in the fight against antigypsyism.

Registration HERE

The Roma Civil Monitoring: the role of CSOs in the future of Roma equality, inclusion and participation

The event will discuss the effective participation of Roma civil society in national policy-making.

Registration HERE

Intersectional Perspectives of Romani Children’s Rights

The event addresses the pervasive systemic discrimination faced by Roma children from early childhood, spanning issues like inadequate healthcare, limited access to education, and discrimination in sports. It aims to discuss employing an effective intersectoral approach to challenge and change these practices. 

Registration HERE

Romani Week 2024 promises to be a crucible of ideas and actions, fostering a united front against discrimination and exclusion. By bringing together key stakeholders and decision-makers, the event strives to propel the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers into the forefront of political discourse and policy priorities. As we face the European elections, Romani Week 2024 marks a crucial milestone in pursuing a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Join us in this dialogue to shape a better tomorrow for the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe.

ERGO Network Annual Policy Conference 2023


This past 28 November 2023, ERGO Network organised its annual Policy Conference in Brussels, dedicated to exploring how to improve Roma access to adequate, affordable, quality, and inclusive housing, as well as to taking stock of the implementation of the EU and National Roma Frameworks, with a particular focus on housing and environmental justice.

The conference featured keynote interventions from Annelisa Cotone, coordinator for Roma inclusion in the cabinet of European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, Hon. Peter Pollák MEP (Slovakia, EPP), as well as Paul Divakar Namala, from the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent.  

Many Roma still live in informal settlements and segregated neighbourhoods, in inadequate dwellings and disastrous living conditions, with severe environmental consequences. Unable to meet ever-rising housing costs or to prove legal ownership of their home, they endure forced evictions, homelessness, and antigypsyism from local authorities, landlords, and neighbours. Ensuring access to housing and adequate services is an objective of the EU Roma Strategic Framework, while it is also extensively covered by the European Pillar of Social Rights (Social Pillar), the compass for Europe’s recovery, and supported by Goals 6, 7, 11, 13 and 15 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

The event launched ERGO Network’s research report on “Roma access to quality and affordable housing”, based on six national case studies carried out in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain. Additional benchmarking evidence was provided by ERGO Network members in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Türkiye. The main findings and recommendations aim to kick-start a dialogue with key decision-makers and stakeholders and aim to identify positive solutions to support better housing inclusion for Roma and inform the delivery of the EU Roma Strategic Framework and the Social Pillar, as well as other relevant policy initiatives.

The Key Messages of the report are:

  1. Roma living conditions are significantly worse than those of the majority, while most Roma experience de facto homelessness.
  2. Most Roma live in segregated communities and/or informal settlements, many exposed to environmental hazards.
  3. High costs of housing and overcomplex administrative procedures further reduce Roma access to housing.
  4. The Roma continue to face antigypsyism and forced evictions.
  5. Social housing holds great potential for Roma housing but is currently under-utilised.
  6. Roma communities and their civil society organisations must be involved to co-create sustainable ways forward.

With the adoption of the EU Roma Strategic Framework up to 2030, governments were asked to develop national Roma strategic frameworks both in EU Member States and Western Balkan countries. In addition, civil society in EU Member States received funding from the European Commission to monitor these national strategic frameworks’ elaboration and adoption process. To ensure an effective implementation of the national frameworks, robust and continued monitoring of the entire policy process should be ensured.

The second part of the event assessed the state of play of the National Roma Frameworks in the EU and Enlargement countries and their alignment with the EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion, and Participation. It linked Council Recommendation, with a keen focus on the areas of housing and environmental justice, also looking at follow-up steps to ensure that implementation does not overlook these important aspects.

The conference was very well attended with over 75 on-site and online participants, and it brought together ERGO Network national members from the grassroots level in many European countries, other national practitioners, European civil society organisations, policy-makers from the EU and national levels, and other stakeholders.

If you attended this event or watched the recording, don’t forget to let us know what you think about it by filling out this brief Evaluation Form (project reference: 101104354; event title: ERGO Network Annual Policy Conference).

See more:

Visuals provided by Ale Listens and Draws

For more information about this event, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Promoting Inclusivity: Roma and Non-Roma Youth Leading Social Change

Promoting Inclusivity: Roma and Non-Roma Youth Leading Social Change

On December 7, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, we welcome you to join us at Mundo Matonge, located at Rue d’Edimbourg 26, in the Conference Room. The occasion is the “Inclusive Vibes: Roma and non-Roma Youth Promoting Social Change,” whereby you will have an opportunity to explore how together we can make a social change. Specifically, the event is to present and discuss a dynamic and innovative methodology of a Roma NGO aimed at empowering young Roma and transforming non-Roma youth’s perceptions towards the Roma community.

Inclusive Vibes will embark on a journey of social transformation. During the event, you will hear success stories from local communities, meet community change-makers, and discuss possible replication of such a methodology within other geographical and social constellations.

This initiative is known as the Erasmus + project ‘Roma Youth Bring Change, was co-implemented ` and coordinated by the Autonomia Foundation (Hungary) and RROMA (North Macedonia), both organizations are members of the ERGO Network.

The event has three core objectives: 

  • Showcasing Successful Solutions: We aim to present the project’s accomplishments and innovative approaches that have evolved through gamification and community campaigns. We intend to inspire others by demonstrating effective strategies for addressing social issues through engaging methods. 
  • Building Collaborative Networks: Through interactive discussions, we aim to facilitate connections and partnerships that can lay the groundwork for future initiatives dedicated to social change and inclusivity. 
  • Empowering Youth as Change Agents: By sharing the joyful and practical approaches employed in the project, we hope to motivate and equip young individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to become proactive change agents in promoting inclusivity and social change. 

Download the agenda of the event.

Register for the event and be part of the journey towards inclusivity and social transformation. 

Conference on Environmental Justice

European Environmental Bureau and ERGO Network invite you to the conference on “Environmental Justice for Roma Communities, Leveraging the EU Strategic Framework”

The conference aims to be a starting point in addressing environmental racism against Roma in EU Member States and Enlargement Countries as a priority policy concern under the national Roma strategic frameworks and specific national policies and measures regarding the environment, housing, health, employment, social protection, and education policies.

Date and time:

The conference will take place on 12 October 2023 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and also in an online format.


  • Raise awareness about Roma and environmental racism in EU Member States and Enlargement Countries, together with relevant stakeholders (policymakers, academia, public authorities, civil society organisations, etc.).
  • Identify targeted policy measures to address environmental justice and antigypsyism issues in Pata-Rât, Cluj-Napoca as well as broader policy measures applying to other European countries and situations.
  • Facilitate networking and exchanges amongst civil society on Roma environmental issues.

In addition to the conference, we are also organising a separate workshop with civil society on the 11th.

Agenda Conference

Thursday, 12 October 2023

08:30 – 09:00                 Registration

09:00 – 09:30                Section 1: Opening of the Conference

Moderator: Mr Diego Francesco Marin, Policy Officer for Raw Materials and Resource Justice, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

  • Dr Nicolae Ajtai, Dean, Babeş-Bolyai University
  • Ms Patrizia Heidegger, Director, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
  • Ms Gabriela Hrabaňová, Director, ERGO Network – online
  • Mr Dragoş Pîslaru MEP, Romania / Renew Europe, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

09:30– 10:15                 Political messages from EU and national policymakers

Moderator: Ms Isabela Mihalache, Senior Advocacy Officer, ERGO Network

  • Ms Linda Greta Zsiga – Testimony from Pata-Rât
  • Mr Peter Pollák MEP, Slovakia / European People’s Party (video message)
  • Ms Claudia Kovacs – Ministry of Investment and European Funds -Romania
  • Mr Petrica Dulgheru – Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative

10:15 – 10:30             Coffee break

10:30 – 11:15             Section 2: Environmental Justice and Common Basic Principles

Moderator: Ms Patrizia Heidegger, Director, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

11:15 – 12:00              Parallel working groups (2 groups)

Group 1: What should the EU do to monitor the situation of Member States more efficiently? What should the EU do to provide a better framework for environmental justice?

Moderator: Andor Urmos

  • A – What are the steps to take?
    • B – Who are the actors that should be engaged?

Group 2: What should local and national governments do to improve environmental justice (housing, access to services, etc.)?

Moderator: Isabela Mihalache  

  • A – What are the steps to take?
    • B – Who are the actors that should be engaged?

12:00 – 13:30             Lunch breakAddress: Restaurant Hotel Premier, Str. Donath, No. 100, Cluj-Napoca ( 

13:45 – 14:00              Reports from the parallel working groups

14:00- 15:25               Section 3: Environmental justice and EU policies: EU Roma Strategic Framework and the European Green Deal

Moderator: Mr Diego Francesco Marin, Policy Officer for Raw Materials and Resource Justice, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

  • Mr Olimpiu Bela Lăcătuş-Iakab, Association for Inclusion, Transformation and Social Innovation
  • Ms Enikő Vincze, Desire Foundation, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Assistant professor at Pázmány Péter Catholic University
  • Mr Andrey Ivanov, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
  • Ms Anne Scheinberg, Springloop Cooperatie
  • Mr Dan Pavel Doghi, DG JUST, European Commission (online)
  • Questions: 15 mins

15:25–16:30                What are the EU and Member States doing to ensure environmental justice?

Moderator: Ms. Isabela Mihalache, Senior Advocacy Officer, ERGO Network

  • Ms Elena Iordanescu, Ministry of European Funds, Romania
  • Mr Simion Beldean – UBB Cluj Napoca – (Increasing the safety of water and food consumption in Roma communities in Transylvania)
  • Mr Daniel Grebeldinger, ERGO Network / Nevo Parudimos, Romania
  • Mr Andor Ürmös, Bridge EU – Environmental justice in Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania
  • Mr Georgios Tsiakalos – Human Rights Lawyer-Pro Bono Publico

16:3016:45                Coffee Break

16:45–17:45                The role of municipalities – What are cities doing to ensure environmental justice for Roma communities?

Moderator: Mr. Daniel Grebeldinger, member ERGO Network / Nevo Parudimos, Romania

  • Vasile Galbea – Researcher Pat Rat
  • Mr Virgil Bitu, UK/RO –The ignorance of policy makers towards Roma communities and the inability of the Roma population to access public services.
  • Mr Adriatik Hasantari – Roma Active Albania
  • Mr Asib Zekir – Redi – North Macedonia (online)

17:45 – 18:00              Section 4: Conclusions 

Moderator: Ms Lorena Doghi, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

  • Ms Patrizia Heidegger, Director, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

18:00                           End of the conference

19:00 – 21:00  Dinner reception / Youth Center from Cluj, Strada Iuliu Maniu, Nr 1.


If you are a relevant non-governmental organisation or institution and are interested in attending, please register HERE: Leveraging the EU Roma Strategic Framework Tickets, Wed 11 Oct 2023 at 12:00 | Eventbrite

For more information about ERGO Network’s work on environmental justice, please contact Senior Advocacy Officer Isabela Mihalache.

Event announcements – ERGO Network

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