Annual Policy Conference 2024 – Employment


This past 25 November, ERGO Network organised its annual Policy Conference in Brussels. The conference was dedicated to exploring how to improve Roma access to quality, sustainable, and inclusive employment and taking stock of the implementation of the EU and National Roma Frameworks, with a particular focus on combatting antigypsyism.

The Opening session featured welcome words by Annabel Carballo Mesa of the ERGO Network Board, remarks by Erika Koller from the European Economic and Social Commitee (Workers’ Group and the Permanent Group on the Inclusion of Roma), as well as a video message from Hon. Mélissa Camara MEP (France, Greens/EFA).  

The Roma are more likely to experience discrimination in recruitment and in the workplace, to be paid less, to be offered precarious contracts, to be overlooked for promotions or training. Pushed at the margins of the labour market and underrepresented in trade unions, many Roma earn their livelihood from atypical, seasonal, or informal work. Job creation efforts are not enough, and the potential of social entrepreneurship is insufficiently supported. Increasing effective equal access to quality and sustainable employment is an objective of the EU Roma Strategic Framework, while it is also extensively covered by the European Pillar of Social Rights, and decent work is Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event launched ERGO Network’s research report on “Roma access to decent and sustainable employment”, based on six national case studies carried out in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain. ERGO Network members in Ireland provided additional benchmarking evidence. The main findings and recommendations aim to kick-start a dialogue with key decision-makers and stakeholders to identify positive solutions to support better labour market inclusion for Roma and to inform the delivery of the EU Roma Strategic Framework and the Social Pillar, as well as of other relevant policy initiatives.

The Key Messages of the report are:

  1. The majority of Roma are not in paid work, at least not in the formal economy, and they are not adequately supported to enter the labour market.
  2. The Roma who work are in poor-quality jobs with low pay, insecure contracts, unsafe working conditions, no access to training, and almost no trade union coverage.
  3. Antigypsyism is pervasive in recruitment as well as in the workplace.
  4. Pushed to the margins of the labour market, the Roma make ends meet through the informal economy, pursuing traditional crafts, or seeking work abroad.
  5. Job creation efforts that would benefit Roma are scarce, and while the social economy holds great potential for Roma employment, it is currently underutilised.
  6. Participation of Roma communities and their civil society organisations is paramount to co-create sustainable ways forward.

With the adoption of the EU Roma Strategic Framework up to 2030, governments were asked to develop National Roma Strategic Frameworks both in EU Member States and Western Balkan countries. In addition, civil society in EU Member States received funding from the European Commission to monitor the elaboration and adoption of these national strategic frameworks. To ensure an effective implementation, robust and continued monitoring of the entire policy process should be ensured.

The second part of the event assessed the state of play of the National Roma Frameworks in both the EU and Enlargement countries and their alignment with the EU Roma Strategic Framework on Equality, Inclusion, and Participation. It linked Council Recommendation in the context of a new European Parliament and European Commission. The session included a keen focus on the fight against antigypsyism, launching a new ERGO Network survey report on the topic. It also looked at digital inclusion and the role of cities in this respect.

Closing remarks were provided by Irena Moozová, Deputy Director General in the European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers, and the event was closed by Gabriela Hrabaňová, ERGO Network Director. The conference was very well attended with over 75 on-site and online participants, and it brought together ERGO Network national members from the grassroots level in many European countries, as well as other national practitioners, European civil society organisations, policy-makers from the EU and national levels, and other stakeholders.

If you attended this event or watched the recording, please let us know what you thought about it by filling out this brief Evaluation Form (project reference: 101140452; event title: ERGO Network Annual Policy Conference).

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Visual summary by Ale listens and draws

For more information about this event, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

This conference is kindly supported by the European Union Programme for Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)  and by the German Federal Foreign Office. 

Register now for the upcoming Conference on Ukrainian Roma Refugees

Register now for the upcoming Conference on Ukrainian Roma Refugees

Venue: Hotel Chambord, 82 Rue de Namur, 1000 Brussels, Belgium & Online

Date: Wednesday, November 13 2024 

The ERGO Network, with the support of the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration (EPIM), is organising a conference focused on advocacy and coordination for Ukrainian Roma refugees. As the situation continues to evolve, we must come together and discuss practical ways to address the needs of this vulnerable community. 

This event will serve as a platform to address the issues of Ukrainian Roma refugees and discuss strategies for effective advocacy and coordination efforts to support them during this challenging time. 

The ERGO Network, alongside its members, is committed to creating an inclusive environment where the voices of Ukrainian Roma refugees can be heard and their specific needs addressed. The conference will bring representatives from various sectors, including EU institutions, civil society organisations, government agencies, and international organisations. The goal is to foster collaboration and develop comprehensive plans for supporting Ukrainian Roma refugees. 

Attendees will engage in discussions aimed at identifying best practices for advocacy and resource mobilisation, ensuring that the unique challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma are adequately recognised and addressed in policy frameworks. 

In addition to organising the conference, the ERGO Network is actively supporting Ukrainian Roma refugees through various initiatives, particularly in countries such as Poland, Czechia, Hungary, and Moldova. This includes providing humanitarian assistance, facilitating access to social services, and promoting awareness of their rights. By collaborating with local organisations, community leaders, international organisations, and institutions, the ERGO Network is working to ensure that Ukrainian Roma refugees receive the necessary support for their integration and well-being. 

The conference will serve as a pivotal moment to amplify these efforts and strengthen the network of advocates committed to empowering Roma communities in the face of adversity. 


Wednesday, November 13

9:00 – 9:30: Opening Remarks and Introduction to the event

  • Gabriela Hrabaňová, Director, ERGO Network
  • Sheena  Elaine Keller, Senior Sector Officer- EEA grants
  • Martin Mühleck, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
  • Csilla Volgyi, Policy Officer at the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission

9:30 – 10:15: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma Refugees in Moldova

Moderator: Dejan Markovic, ERGO Network

  • Elena Sirbu – Roma Women’s Platform Moldova
  • Natalia Kropivka – UNHCR Moldova

10:15 – 11:00: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma Refugees in Poland

Moderator: Dejan Markovic, ERGO Network

  • Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz – Fundacija Jaw Dikh Poland
  • Mateusz Płoskonka – Municipality of Krakow, Department of Social Policy and Health

11:00 – 11:30: Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:15: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma Refugees in Hungary

Moderator: Stephan Mueller, Central Council of the German Sinti and Roma

  • Fanni Székely-Trendl – Romaversitas Foundation
  • Eszter Benkő – Hungarian Helsinki Committee

12:15 – 13:00: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma in the Ukraine

Moderator: Gabriela Hrabanová , ERGO Network

  • Igor Lossovsky – State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience
  • Yulian Kondur – International Charitable Organisation Roma Women Fund Chiricli
  • Natalia Tomenko – YNGO ARCA

13:00 – 14:00: Networking Lunch

14:00 – 14:45: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma Refugees in the Czech Republic

Moderator:  Gabriela Hrabanová, ERGO Network

  • Lidija Grebo – Slovo 21
  • Jan Husak – Romodrom o.p.s.

14:45 – 15:30: Panel Discussion – Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma Refugees in the West Europe

Moderator: Isabela Mihalache, ERGO Network

  • Stephan Mueller- Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
  • Guillermo Ruiz – Melde- und Informationsstelle Antiziganismus (MIA), Germany

15:30 – 16:15: Panel Discussion – Sharing Best Practices from of the International organisations in support of Roma refugees 

Moderator: Dejan Markovic, ERGO Network

  • Valeria Morica – World Bank
  • Gyorgy Sumeghy – Habitat for Humanity International
  • Ulrike Pusch – Solidaritätsdienst International e.V.

16:15 – 16:45: Coffee Break

16:45 – 17:30: Closing Session: Recommendations and Future Steps

For more information about the event, please contact our coordinator for Ukraine, Dejan Markovic

This conference is supported by the European Philanthropic Initiative for Migration, EPIM.

ERGO Network General Assembly 2024: Shaping the Future in Barcelona

ERGO Network General Assembly 2024: Shaping the Future in Barcelona

ERGO Network held its annual General Assembly from June 18 to 21, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain. This year’s assembly, hosted by the Federació d’Associacions Gitanes de Catalunya (FAGIC), was particularly momentous as members gathered to chart the network’s strategic direction up to 2030.

The assembly brought together representatives from 25 European countries. Over two packed days, the participants engaged in discussions, strategic planning, and exchanges aimed at fortifying the network’s future.

Strategic Planning for 2030

A significant portion of the assembly was dedicated to the initial phase of crafting ERGO Network’s strategy for the next six years. Cristina Rigman, an independent strategy consultant, moderated three sessions focused on defining the network’s long-term vision, understanding its role, and enhancing member engagement.

Cristina’s sessions facilitated reflections on the network’s successes and challenges, the core values guiding our mission, and the collective aspirations for 2030. These dialogues were essential in aligning views and setting a foundation for the network’s strategic roadmap.

Capacity Building and Membership Strategy

In addition to strategic planning, the assembly featured a capacity-building session titled “I Work, You Work, WE NETWORK,” which aimed to strengthen connections among member representatives and clarify opportunities for engagement within the network.

Membership strategy also took centre stage, with Martina Horváthová presenting the objectives and principles guiding ERGO Network’s membership framework. The session highlighted the importance of a robust membership strategy to ensure the network’s growth and sustainability.

The discussion underscored the need for solidarity and mutual support among members. Representatives from Zero Discrimination (Türkiye) and Chiricli (Ukraine) shared their visions for continued cooperation, while La Voix des Rroms (France) offered their support in direct work with evicted Roma communities.

Elections and New Members

The General Assembly also elected a new board member. Dragan Joković, from Otaharin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was elected, bringing his extensive experience and dedication to the board.

New associate members were welcomed, including Romni APS (Italy), Suomen Romaniyhdistys (Finland), and Trajosko Drom (Sweden) and this inclusion is expected to strengthen the network’s reach and impact across Europe. Videos from new members can be found online here.

We also approved the change of status for our members Sastipen (Romania) and Roma Women Platform ROMNI (Moldova) to full members. Three new Friends of ERGO were also approved: Monika Mihaličková (Czechia), Biser Alekov (Belgium), and Stanislav Daniel (Slovakia).

Field Visit and Cultural Exchange

A highlight of the assembly was a field visit to Lacho Baji Cali, a local grassroots organisation in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. Led by the Roma leader Ms Mercedes Gómez, the visit offered a firsthand look at the organisation’s efforts in supporting Roma community members through education and cultural initiatives. This visit provided insights into successful local activism and community engagement.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The 2024 General Assembly concluded with reflections on the shared experiences and a call to action for the coming years. Gabriela Hrabaňová, ERGO Network Director, expressed her gratitude to all participants and extended an invitation to the next General Assembly, planned in Prague in spring 2025.

The ERGO Network General Assembly 2024 in Barcelona was a testament to the collective effort and strategic vision. As we fine-tune the strategy and look towards 2030, the foundations laid during these sessions promise to strengthen the solidarity among Roma communities across Europe.

Transitional justice online webinar 

Transitional justice online webinar: 
Fighting antigypsyism through addressing transitional justice processes

🗓️Date: 3 July 2024

🕒 Time: 16h30-18h30 CET

🌐 Location: Online

Watch this event LIVE here!

The Roma have suffered atrocious injustices throughout time, where perpetrators have acted with impunity and were unpunished by state authorities and little awareness by the general public. Atrocities include the Holocaust, dictatorial regimes, forced sterilisations, forced evictions, policies aimed at cultural elimination, segregation in education and housing, inhuman conditions and overall exclusion from societies where they live.

In today’s Europe, despite developments in human rights legal frameworks, many Roma across Europe are still faced with the consequences of the past. Specifically, ongoing antigypsyism and serious human rights abuses. These past injustices have not been adequately addressed and corrected.

Thus, Transitional justice processes are needed. These processes can respond to systemic human rights violations through judicial redress, political reforms, and other measures to prevent the recurrence of human rights abuses, provide redress to victims, and create opportunities for the transformation of the political systems, conflicts, and other conditions that may have been at the root of the abuses.

In this webinar, we would like to further discuss the current political and social context in Europe after the June European elections, as well as ongoing or upcoming challenges that would either facilitate or block ongoing discussions about setting up transitional processes for Roma in Europe and answer some of the crucial questions about whether, when, and how to embark on a path toward a peaceful, just, and inclusive future for Roma in Europe through a transitional justice path. The webinar will also discuss the specific cases of Germany, Romania, and Spain in more detail.

We’re looking forward to counting you among the online participants!

ERGO Network has recently also launched Jekhipe project which addresses some of the key structural and institutional obstacles in achieving justice and equality for Roma in practice by tackling the lack of acknowledgement of Roma as victims of historical injustices such as slavery or the Holocaust and the set-up or adequate compensations and reconciliation processes; or the lack of access to services and rights; the lack of Roma museums and institutional representation of Roma in arts and culture; the lack of Roma history teaching etc.

For more information about ERGO Network’s work on transitional justice, please contact Jekhipe Project Coordinator Marko Pecak.

This webinar has received financial support from the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Romani Week 2024 Announcement

Romani Week 2024: Shaping the Future for Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe

As Europe grapples with a complex socio-political landscape characterised by both anti-racism movements and the resurgence of far-right ideologies, the need for inclusive discussions about marginalized communities becomes increasingly vital. In this context, the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers face numerous challenges related to equality, inclusion, and participation. The rise of xenophobic and nationalist sentiments at both national and EU levels poses a threat to their well-being and integration into society.

The Challenge

Despite efforts on paper, the struggle for effective inclusion of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers persists due to a disconnect between policies on Roma inclusion and mainstream initiatives. The political will to combat antigypsyism and social exclusion often falls short, with National Roma Strategic Frameworks remaining under implementation. As the political climate in Europe evolves, the urgency to address these challenges becomes even more apparent.

What is Romani Week?

Romani Week, an annual event held in Brussels serves as a platform to raise awareness about the realities faced by Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe. It brings together civil society organizations, European institutions, and international entities during the Roma International Day. This year, the event is more pertinent than ever, coinciding with the upcoming European elections.

Objectives of Romani Week 2024

Romani Week 2024 aims to dissect the position of the Roma agenda within the broader European political discourse and priorities. The focus is to foster dialogue about the pressing issues affecting the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers communities and ensure their prominence in mainstream political discussions and EU policy priorities.

The primary objectives include:

  1. Platform for Discourse: Provide a platform for representatives and stakeholders of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers to engage in conversations about the contemporary political, economic, and human rights landscape in Europe.
  2. Political Accountability: Encourage stronger accountability and political will from governments, both within the EU and Enlargement countries, to deliver on the promises of equality, inclusion, and participation for Roma, Sinti, and Travellers.
  3. Concrete Topics: Address specific issues such as increased antigypsyism, structural discrimination, the implementation and monitoring of National Roma Strategic Frameworks, and discussions about Roma history, truth, and reconciliation processes.

Overview of the events

Please note that you have to register for each event separately using the special form. If you would like to see the draft agenda, check the regularly updated website of the Romani Week 2024 here.

Future of Roma, Sinti and Travellers in Europe

The event will discuss the ongoing political, economic and human rights changes Europe faces today and ways to ensure that Roma, Sinti and Travellers become a more prominent priority within the mainstream political discourse and policy priorities at the EU level to ensure a stronger accountability and political will by governments, both in the EU and Enlargement countries, to deliver on the equality, inclusion and participation of Roma, Sinti and Travellers.

The event will also discuss the future of Roma, Sinti and Travellers after the European elections, the change in EU leadership and the possible increase of far rights groups in the EU’s political spectrum.

Registration HERE

Most Roma Friendy Mayor Award

The ceremony will award positive examples of Roma integration by local authorities In the Western Balkans and Turkey.

Registration HERE

80 Years of the Roma Holocaust. Lessons to prevent future acts of genocide

More information on this event is coming soon

Registration HERE

Transitional justice to tackle antigypsyism, reclaim our past and rebuild our future

The Jekhipe project launch event focuses on establishing transitional justice processes, including expert commissions, at the EU and national levels to address antigypsyism. The project aims to provide policy recommendations, raise awareness about institutional antigypsyism, promote Roma identity and culture in education, and empower Roma communities and NGOs in the fight against antigypsyism.

Registration HERE

The Roma Civil Monitoring: the role of CSOs in the future of Roma equality, inclusion and participation

The event will discuss the effective participation of Roma civil society in national policy-making.

Registration HERE

Intersectional Perspectives of Romani Children’s Rights

The event addresses the pervasive systemic discrimination faced by Roma children from early childhood, spanning issues like inadequate healthcare, limited access to education, and discrimination in sports. It aims to discuss employing an effective intersectoral approach to challenge and change these practices. 

Registration HERE

Romani Week 2024 promises to be a crucible of ideas and actions, fostering a united front against discrimination and exclusion. By bringing together key stakeholders and decision-makers, the event strives to propel the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers into the forefront of political discourse and policy priorities. As we face the European elections, Romani Week 2024 marks a crucial milestone in pursuing a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Join us in this dialogue to shape a better tomorrow for the Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe.

Past events – ERGO Network

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