Your support will make a difference
How can you support us?
Every € counts! Your donation – whether it is 10, 50, 100 or 500 €, will bring Roma voices to decision-makers, contribute to equality in Europe and empower Romani activists on the grassroots level.
You can transfer your donation to our bank account:
IBAN: BE70 7360 3510 0425
KBC Brussels
Please mention your name and email address in the transfer form so that we can send you a transfer confirmation and a big thank you!
Thank you for choosing to donate to ERGO Network!
“Approximately 12 Million Roma people live in Europe, and the majority of them are young people. Without the Roma, Europe will have no future!
And still they are the continent’s most discriminated minority and 80% of them live at risk of poverty.
With your help we can change the way society views and treats Europe’s biggest ethnic minority, the Roma.”
Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova, ERGO Network Director