Roma poverty and social exclusion

Poverty and Social Exclusion

Roma poverty and social exclusion

ERGO Network actively engages in advocacy towards the EU, national and local policy-making in order to ensure that Roma social and economic inclusion is guaranteed at all levels. This includes work on the issues of poverty, employment, education, income and services (education, health, housing etc).

Based on the grassroots evidence of ERGO Network members, we undertake advocacy around the important frameworks of such as the European Semester, European Pillar of Social Rights, Child Guarantee, Youth Guarantee, and the Sustainable Development Goals

Amana and Carmen

Contact person

For more information about ERGO Network’s work in this policy area, contact:

Senior Policy Advisor Amana Ferro.

For our specific work on the Youth Guarantee, Child Guarantee and the Employment Campaign, contact policy officer Carmen Tanasie.

Related news

European Commission releases Autumn Package 2024: What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?

ERGO Network Annual Policy Conference 2023

Research report on Roma access to quality and affordable housing

Related publications

European Commission releases Autumn Package 2024: What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?

Research report on Roma access to quality and affordable housing

EC Spring Package 2023 – What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?

Roma poverty and social exclusion – ERGO Network

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