
Current projects

PECAO Logo square

Peer education to counter antigypsyist hate speech online

PECAO counters antigypsyist hate speech online by working with young people, using a combination of peer education and monitoring in order to obtain two-fold results: the peer education methodology will achieve a direct change in attitudes and actions of a high number of young people, and the monitoring will contribute to better understanding and a more systemic change of policies through advocacy based on the results.

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Contact person: Mustafa Jakupov

Chachipen Logo square


The ‘CHACHIPEN means truth’ in the Romani language, pursues the key objective to advance the recognition and response to historicallyrooted and systemic antigypsyism to  achieve justice, equality, nondiscrimination and the full participation of Roma as equal citizens across Europe. The project employs an innovative approach, through the model of Truth and Reconciliation Processes, to review the past rights violations and ongoing structural discrimination of Roma that hinders the implementation of the EU nondiscrimination acquis.

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Contact person: Isabela Mihalache

Romani Women POWER of Change in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The aim is to empower Roma women to increase their participation in local and national policy and decision making processes through constructive dialogue with the national and local governments in order to reach significant changes towards Roma integration, non-discrimination and citizens’ rights.

It will set up a facilitating structure managed by the national partners, which supports participating Roma women and Roma women CSOs to develop and implement advocacy strategies. The capacity building of Roma women and CSOs will strengthen their confidence, knowledge, skills and leadership. This will enhance their position vis-à-vis public authorities and other stakeholders.

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Contact person: Isabela Mihalache

New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration

The project, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants for Regional Cooperation and coordinated by ERGO member Nevo Parudimos, aims at supporting Roma communities in adapting and implementing inclusion and empowerment projects that have already been tried and tested successfully by other partners. At the same time we want to create a more favourable environment for bottom-up approaches to Roma integration, breaking the vicious circle of cynicism that ‘nothing can be changed’.


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Contact person: Carmen Tanasie


Re-Act: Remember and Act

the project Remember and ACT! (Re-ACT) is putting a special focus on researching how “old” concepts of antisemitism and antigypsyism are being re-enacted by concerted hate campaigns and where they originated from. Starting from there, Re-ACT develops, collects and provides educational materials and tools for the prevention of racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance.

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Contact person: Gabriela Hrabanova

Roma Civil Monitor Logo square

Roma Civil Monitor

ERGO Network is a partner in the second edition of the Roma Civil Monitor project, building the capacity of Roma civil society and strengthening their involvement in the monitoring of national Roma frameworks.

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Contact person: Isabela Mihalache

Projects – ERGO Network