New solutions

New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration

A bottom-up and peer to peer approach to Roma inclusion and combatting antigypsyism


The project “New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.

Project description

With 12 Million people the Roma are Europe’s largest minority, and its most discriminated one. Antigypsyism is the last ‘accepted form of racism’ and contributes to huge social and economic disparities.

There has been progress in identifying the causes of social exclusion of Roma, but when it comes to designing solutions, we face a general paralysis on how to tackle the multi-layered challenges. Top down approaches – developed far from the communities – leave little room for innovation. Practitioners agree that grassroots approaches work and bring good results for social inclusion and human rights, but most donors are still reluctant to support such small-scale initiatives.

Our prject brings together organisations who are rooted in local communities and work successfully on a small scale in local contexts. Our consortium spans from Lithuania to Turkey, including Roma CSOs from inside and outside the EU.

Our project aims at supporting Roma communities in adapting and implementing inclusion and empowerment projects that have already been tried and tested successfully by other partners. At the same time we want to create a more favourable environment for bottom-up approaches to Roma integration, breaking the vicious circle of cynicism that ‘nothing can be changed’.

  • Community-led project planning inspired by good practices and supported through coaches from other Roma CSOs.

    – 11 Projects based on community needs that have been identified as good practices in other organisations are adapted and implemented in local Roma communities.

    – 20-30 Good practice examples of local Roma inclusion and empowerment projects are identified and disseminated with ideas for adaptation and upscaling.

    – Roma community organising and Roma civil society promoted through film and story-telling.

  • A tailored capacity-building programme, including peer learning and creative tools.

    – Staff of Roma CSOs trained in project and organisational management.

    – Toolkit on project and organisational management for CSOs published.

    – Transparency and accountability criteria implemented by CSOs.

  • Evidence-based advocacy towards national governments, international institutions and private donors for a favourable funding environment.

    – Study on importance of bottom-up approaches to Roma inclusion produced and disseminated.

    – Analysis of funding programmes on Roma inclusion conducted and disseminated.

    • Donors more aware of the importance of bottom-up approaches to Roma inclusion.


Lead partner

Nevo Parudimos, Romania

Beneficiary partners

Roma Community Centre, Lithuania

Zero Discrimination, Turkey

Slovo 21, Czech Republic

Autonomia Foundation, Hungary

Roma Advocacy and Research Centre, Slovakia

Integro Association, Bulgaria

Roma Active Albania, Albania

Regional Roma Educational Youth Centre (RROMA),        North Macedonia

Women’s Association ‘Romkinja’ Bijelijna, Bosnia & Herzegovina

EEA & Norway Grants

The project “New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.

The EEA and Norway Grants are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The Grants have two goals – to contribute to a more equal Europe, both socially and economically – and to strengthen the relations between Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and the 15 beneficiary countries in Europe.

Project materials

Project activities

8-12 September 2021

Learning Academy


September 2021

Steering Group Meeting


November 2021

Public event on funding

(Brussels, Belgium)

November 2021

Check-in meeting

(Brussels, Belgium)

Project news

Storytelling on project development for advocacy purposes

North Macedonia: News from the “New solutions to old problems” project

Romania: News from the “New solutions to old problems” project

Integro Position Statement

Report: Funding of bottom-up approaches

Roma Active Albania’s Learning Academy in Durres

New solutions – ERGO Network

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