- ERGO publications
- Member publications
- Institutional policy documents
- Toolkits
Developing measures to combat antigypsyism after 2020 (2019)
Guidance for European and national stakeholders on combatting antigypsyism, issued by the Alliance against Antigypsyism (2019)
Combatting antigypsyism in the Post 2020 EU Roma Framework - Recommendations (2019)
Recommendations of the Alliance against Antigypsyism on combatting antigypsyism in the Post-2020 EU Roma Framework
Reference paper on Antigypsyism (2016)
Equality Bodies: Promoting equality and fighting against discrimination (2016)
Towards a Definition of Anti-Gypsyism (2007)
European Semester
European Semester Advocacy Timeline for Civil Society
Prepared with the Open Society European Policy Institute
Support Note on Engaging with the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) (2021)
ERGO Network response to the draft Joint Employment Report (2021)
ERGO Network response to the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy package (2021)
ERGO Network response to the Spring Package (2020)
European Commission releases SpringPackage –What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?
ERGO Network response to the Country Reports (2020)
European Commission releases WinterPackage –What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?
ERGO Network response to the Autumn Package (2020)
European Commission releases Autumn Package –What’s in it for Europe’s Roma?
General policies
The impact of Covid-19 on Roma communities in the European Union and the Western Balkans (2021)
Together with partners from seven EU Member States, five Western Balkan countries and Turkey, ERGO Network has prepared an in-depth study about the devastating impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had and continue to has on Roma and Travellers across Europe.
Ineffectiveness or misuse of EU funds
Synthesis report of case studies from ERGO Network members in 4 countries
Recommendations for the national strategic frameworks under the new EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation (2020)
This publication provides recommendations for national governments that should be prioritised when developing national strategic frameworks in the first months of 2021.
Input to the European Commission consultation on the Roadmap for a Council Recommendation for a Child Guarantee (2020)
This paper sets out ERGO Network’s analysis and policy recommendations so that the implementation of the Social Pillar does not leave the European Roma behind.
How to ensure that the European Pillar of Social Rights deliverson Roma equality, inclusion, and participation? (2020)
This paper sets out ERGO Network’s analysis and policy recommendations so that the implementation of the Social Pillar does not leave the European Roma behind.
Recommendations on Roma Inclusion for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework(2019)
ROMA INCLUDED in the Sustainable Development Goals(2019)
Towards a more holistic approach to Roma inclusion in the EU: policy mainstreaming and focus (2019)
Roma grassroots perspectives on poverty alleviation (2018)
Roma Civil Monitor
Access to all reports of the EU-wide Roma Civil Monitor project.
EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies: Member States need to step-up their efforts (2016)
Programme evaluation with your target group (2016)
National Roma Platforms - key ingredients (2015)
Recommendations for an EU Roma agenda - 2015 - 2020(2015)
Integrated Approaches for Roma Integration (2014)
The role of Social Economy in supporting Roma social and economic inclusion. A close-up on the Covid-19 pandemic and the recovery strategies (2020)
What works for young Roma. (employment recommendations) (2019)
What works for young Roma - Complete report (2017)
This report presents the results of the research as a whole (with a focus on interview and focus group findings), while the questionnaire findings and the desk research results have been presented in ERGO’s publications Investing in our future: What work(s) for young Roma?
What works for young Roma - Results from an online survey (2017)
ERGO Network was interested to find out the employment status of young Roma (16-30) given their level of education and geographical location, and understand how the level of education impacts their ambitions for further careers, including self-employment. The questionnaire was targeting young Roma mainly from Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
What works for young Roma - 10 best practices (2017)
The aim of the research was to understand the causes of the low Roma youth employment rate and to inspire policy makers and practitioners to invest in employment opportunities for young Roma.
The EU Youth Guarantee for Roma (2016)
ERGO Network, in cooperation with member and partner organizations, executed a small scale research into the Youth Guarantee in six EU countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The aim was to investigate whether the Youth Guarantee is successful in reaching out to and creating meaningful opportunities for young Roma
Participation and Citizenship
Roma inclusion in South-Eastern Europe in practice (2019)
Typical Roma is an international campaign addressing stigmatisation and stereotypes as root causes of social exclusion of Roma.
Giving space to potential of young Roma (2017)
Countering shrinking space for Roma civil society (2016)
Regional Development
For this report, ERGO Network members conducted research in three key countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Romania), based on a comprehensive questionnaire, filled in during Autumn 2020. The present evaluation concerns the CLLD cycle throughout the overall programming period 2014-2020, still under implementation at the time of
data collection.
Community-Led Local Development for Roma Inclusion (2019)
ERGO members conducted research in four key countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania), aimed at assessing the extent to which Roma inclusion was mainstreamed throughout the CLLD processes.
School dropout of Roma in Romania (2019)
The present research paper by Nevo Parudimos aims to analyse in a qualitative manner the main and specific causes of school dropout in young Roma (including age, culture, economical status -poverty, social discrimination, infrastructure)
School segregation through negative social interpretation (2017)
Inclusive Education in Czech Republic (2017)
Regional development
Community-Led Local Development for Roma Inclusion (2019)
ERGO members conducted research in four key countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania), aimed at assessing the extent to which Roma inclusion was mainstreamed throughout the CLLD processes.
Monitoring Roma inclusion in CLLD in Hungary (2019)
This report analysis Roma participation in urban CLLD in Hungary.
Monitoring Roma inclusion in CLLD in Bulgaria (2019)
This study tracks Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) in 4 LAG territories in Bulgaria.
Support for the least developed districts and regional development in Slovakia (2017)
Roma Advocacy and Research Centre Slovakia analysis regional development programmes that can support Roma inclusion in Slovakia.
Roma inclusion in CLLD process (2017)
Roma involvement in Local Action Groups in Romania (2017)
The present research aims to analyze the Roma NGO’s/ community involvement in the Local Action Groups’(LAG)activity of the rural area in the Western region of Romania based on their relation with the public authorities and the LAG’s management teams.
2019 - EC Communication - Report on the implementation of national Roma integration strategies (2019)
2019 European Commission report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies and Roma inclusion measures reported under the EU Framework for NRIS
2016 Council Conclusions on ‘Accelerating the Process of Roma Integration’ (2016)
Accelerating the Process of Roma Integration- Council Conclusions
2013 Council recommendation on effective Roma integration measures in the member states (2013)
The purpose of this Recommendation is to provide guidance to Member States in enhancing the effectiveness of their measures to achieve Roma integration and strengthen the implementation of their national Roma integration strategies or integrated sets of policy measures within broader social inclusion policies aimed at improving the situation of Roma and at closing any gaps between Romaand the general population.
The thematic group on combating anti-Gypsyism, hate speech and hate crime against Roma was set upat the request of the Hungarian member of CAHROM, following Hungary’s confirmation of its willingnessto be a requesting country at the 5th CAHROM meeting (Strasbourg, 14-16 May 2013)2. During thatmeeting, representatives from the Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdomconfirmed their interest to join this thematic group
2011 Council Conclusions on an EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (2011)
2010 EU Framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia
It addresses, by means of criminal law, public incitement to racial violence or hatred as well as racist motivation.
10 Common Basic Principles of Roma Inclusion (2009)
The Common Basic Principles were first presented at the meeting of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion on 24 April 2009. On 8 June 2009 the Council of Ministers in charge of Social Affairs annexed the Principles to their conclusions.
Report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies: combating negative attitudes towards people with Romani background in Europe (2020)
Scaling up Roma Inclusion Strategies - Truth, reconciliation and justice for addressing antigypsyism (2019)
European Parliament report on fundamental rights aspects in Roma integration 2017
2015 Report on cohesion policies and marginalised communities
2015 Resolution on the Recognition of the Roma Genocide
2005 Resolution on the situation of the Roma in the European Union (2005)
EU Roma strategic frameworkfor equality, inclusion and participation for 2020 - 2030 (2020)
2011 EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020
The Framework invites all Member States to present the European Commission with their strategy for Roma inclusion or for specific policy measures for the Roma within their wider social inclusion policies. The main responsibility as well as the competences to improve the situation of all marginalised people, including the Roma, rest with the Member States.
Antigypsyism: Increasing its recognition to better understand and address its manifestations (2018)
This conclusions paper, drafted by DG JUST, is based on the discussions of the focus session on antigypsyism held by the EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance in 2017.
Evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 (2018)
The evaluation assesses the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of the EU framework. It also assesses three further evaluation criteria, namely coordination, equity and sustainability.
Fundamental Rights Agency
A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion (2018)
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) prepared this report in response to a request from the European Parliament to examine how persistent antigypsyism affects Roma inclusion efforts across the EU.
European Parliament report on fundamental rights aspects in Roma integration (2018)
2011 and 2016 – Fundamental Rights Agency EU-MIDIS European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey
The Survey points out the level of discrimination and social exclusion faced by Roma in the EU.
Conference on anti-Gypsyism: How to address anti-Gypsyism in a post-2020 EU Roma Framework? (2019)
To provide an additional point of reference for ongoing reflections on the post-2020 EU Roma inclusion agenda, the Austrian EU Presidency hosted an expert conference on antigypsyism.
Antigypsyism in public discourse and election campaigns (2017)
The documentation (done by Central Council of German Sinti and Roma) takes a detailed look at, in particular, the legal debate as it relates to the discriminatory campaign practices of the NPD and related groups.
Report of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues (2015)
This report by Federal Chancellery Republic of Austria provides an overview of the human rights situation of Roma worldwide.
2003 OSCE Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area (2003)
The Action Plan is implemented by the OSCE Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues. It works with national and local governments, civil society and international organizations to promote equal opportunities for, and the protection of the human rights of all Roma and Sinti.
ERGO Campaigns
How to engage more effectively with ESF+ and ERDF (2021)
The purpose of the Toolkit is to support ERGO Network national members and other civil society organisations in ensuring specific EU funding for Roma inclusion during the 2021-2027 financial programming period.
ERGO Network Employment Campaign Guide: A Place For All (2021)
The purpose of this Campaign Guide is to support ERGO Networkmembers in constructing and developing campaigns within Member States to promote diverse and inclusive workplacesin the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.