Transparency criteria now available in Bulgarian, Romanian, Lithuanian

Transparency criteria now available in Bulgarian, Romanian, Lithuanian

ERGO Network’s transparency and accountability criteria give recommendations on how grassroots civil society organisations should be governed and managed in order to be reliable and accountable. Fulfilling the criteria will bring attention to an organisation’s quality work. The set of criteria focuses on governance, financial management and performance.

The criteria were developed in 2018 by ERGO Network members from the EU, Turkey and Western Balkans. Besides the criteria as such, the consortium developed a board game that helps civil society organisations to reflect on the criteria inside their own organisations and supports them in improving their internal policies and procedures.

After the success of this project, the criteria and the game were now translated into three additional languages – Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Romanian. They are available online and in print from our member organisations Roma Community Centre (Lithuania), Nevo Parudimos (Romania) and Integro Association (Bulgaria).

The translations have been produced in the framework of the project “New solutions to old problems – exchange of new type of approaches in the field of Roma integration” funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. They are furthermore part of ERGO Network’s Annual Work Programme “Roma Included in Social Europe”, funded by the European Commission’s EaSI Programme.

Please visit  to download the criteria and the game in all languages.

Transparency criteria now available in Bulgarian, Romanian, Lithuanian – ERGO Network

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