EU Roma Strategic Framework

EU Roma Framework - no text

EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation

Since 2011 ERGO Network is a key player lobbying for an effective implementation of the European Commission’s EU Roma Framework, for example through our coordinating role in the Roma Civil Monitor project, with Roma civil society monitoring the national implementation in 27 EU Member States. Since 2018 ERGO Network led Roma and pro-Roma civil society in common advocacy towards the new EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation up to 2030, which was presented by the European Commission in 2020 and adopted through EU Council Recommendations in March 2021.

The new framework is focused more strongly on combatting antigypsyism as key prerequisite to improve the living conditions of Roma and is more binding through the Council Recommendations. ERGO Network will remain engaged in the Roma Civil Monitor and lobby the EU Institutions, Member States and Accession Countries to keep their commitments.

Isabela Mihalache

Contact person

For more information about ERGO Network’s work in this policy area, contact Senior Policy Officer Isabela Mihalache.

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